Smart Solutions Bsmart Complex 90 Capsules

Sale price$39.97



  • Active B-vitamins in a form that your body can use
  • Higher amounts of the Bs you need most
  • Support for energy and metabolism
  • Naturally energizing
  • Highly absorbable formula
  • Comprehensive mix of essential daily B vitamins

Bsmart contains B vitamins in their active form which makes them readily available for your body to use. B vitamins work together to support energy, tissue formation, liver function, and form blood cells.


B vitamins are water soluble vitamins which means they are not stored in the body and need to be replaced daily. Common stressors can deplete B vitamins more quickly. Certain diets, such as vegan and vegetarian, and nutritional stress, such as high sugar and alcohol intake, may lead to B vitamin deficiencies. The B complex family of vitamins consists of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, cobalamin, folate, biotin, choline, and inositol.

Why Take Bsmart?

Bsmart is for anyone looking for a vitamin B complex formulation. Bsmart provides the most active coenzyme form of the B vitamins in the correct balanced dosage to ensure optimal absorption.

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